- I moved from Brooklyn to Harlem after 6 years. Learning my new neighborhood has been an interesting experience and one that I continue to explore.
- My true friends have supported me like never before. I thank them all.
- After two international events in one year it has become clear that I need to change direction. Producing events has always been a challenge but doing them on an international scale has proven to be more work than it's worth to me and my partner. Hopefully those that attended but DIHII and the event in Bahia had a wonderful time.
- The real estate business in NYC is in transition. It is changing from a seller's market to one where the buyers have many choices and can negotiate terms like never before. For those that have thought of buying their first home or upgrading to a bigger place, now is an excellent time to start looking.
- I now work out of the Downtown office and the Harlem office. It's nice to have two homes.
- Hosted my family for a long vacation in the new apartment. It's always good to be with family to know what is really important in life.
For 2007
- I look forward to peace in the world.
- The troops coming home.
- Good health and prosperity.
- Increasing my real estate sales and servicing not only the celebrity clients but making a serious effort to help more first time homebuyers that don't realize that they also can have a part of the American dream.
- Developing the talents of SoundPerfected and getting them a deal.
- Developing two new websites that will launch in early 2007 that we hope will fill the needs of underserved markets. Stay tuned.
- Continue to raise money for the orphans of La Casa Rosada Orphanage, CAASAH orphange and the Batey Relief alliance.
I wish you all the best. May the new year bring you only the best of things.